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HTFJC Revolving Loan Program

Eligible Applicants:

Businesses, nonprofits and governmental entities with sufficient administrative capacity and successful track records.  Funding is not available to individuals for personal use.


Eligible Activities:

Programs and projects which address the housing needs of Johnson County residents with household income at or below 80% of the Area Median Income.  (See chart, below)  This may include construction or rehabilitation of affordable rental, owner occupied, and transitional housing as well as shelter facilities.

Important Dates:​  Funds will be offered on a quarterly basis* and applications will be due on:


The Spring funding round deadline is Thursday April 3, 2025 by 11:00 am (electronic submission)


*The HTFJC Board of Directors will determine the amount of funding, if any, available approximately a month before each deadline.  The amount of funding will be determined by contributions to the Trust Fund, repayments received and anticipated disbursements. Funding decisions will usually be made approximately 30 days following the application deadline.


*HTFJC will consider funding requests outside of this timeline if prospective applicants can show a compelling need and the project is consistent with the goals of the Housing Trust Fund.


Terms: The Housing Trust Fund provides a very flexible source of funds to help make affordable housing efforts financially feasible.  Therefore, applicants are invited to propose the funding amount and terms which will best suit their particular proposal.  Please read the Revolving Loan Fund Information for a more complete summary of the factors that will be considered.


In general, HTFJC will consider no interest or very low interest loans for projects that:

  • Require only short term financing or

  • Serve lower income populations (especially extremely low-income households, below 30% AMI).

Longer term loans and loans for projects that serve higher income populations will generally be subject to below market interest rates.


Final funding decisions, including the terms agreed to by HTFJC, rests with the Board of Directors and will be dependent on a variety of factors including the level of risk involved in the project, the level of outstanding obligations, anticipated repayments and investments to the Trust Fund and the diversity of funded projects including communities served, applicants and types of housing provided.


All prospective applicants should contact HTFJC at 319-358-0212 for more information before beginning an application.                                                                   

Application deadline:  Thursday April 3, 2025 by 11:00 a.m.


1. Set up a JOTFORM account at before linking to

application and RETAIN LOGIN information to be able to save and return

to form, etc. 


2. LINK To Application:


​3. Application Documents Below: * Indicates required tables,

     others as applicable










Application Guidance     11. Indebtedness on Property       12. Existing Debt    13. Proposed Sources of Funding* 




​      14 a. Proforma                    14 b. Estimated Annual Income and Expenses*​                  15. Project Budget* 

    (Required except

    for owner-occupied


Income Guidelines

(as of 6/1/2024)

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