Housing Trust Fund
of Johnson County
“Safe, decent and affordable housing for all in Johnson County”
Physical Location: 26 E. Market St. #123
Iowa City, IA 52245
Mailing Address: PO Box 2446
Iowa City, IA 52244

To date, HTFJC has awarded over $15 million in below market loans and grants to area nonprofits and businesses to help finance land acquisition, development and rehabilitation expense and down payment assistance. These funds have assisted, or will assist, many Johnson County households obtain or retain affordable rental or owner-occupied homes. All programs funded by the HTFJC must assist households with income at or below 80% of the area median as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
HTFJC has also partnered with the East Central Iowa Council of Governments (ECICOG) and Hills Banks to obtain over $479,000 from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines to assist homeowners in rural Johnson County with needed repairs.
The Board of Directors of HTFJC is actively involved in seeking additional ways to capitalize the fund. As more resources are secured, HTFJC looks forward to providing not only a flexible but also a meaningful source of funding to address the critical housing needs in Johnson County.

BEFORE. In April, 2006, tornadoes caused extensive damage in the Iowa City area. Trust Fund money helped rehabilitate the duplex.

AFTER. In addition, the Trust Fund made a contribution to the United Way's disaster response fund.

Another home built by Iowa Valley Habitat for Humanity. HTFJC funded the construction.

BEFORE. In April, 2006, tornadoes caused extensive damage in the Iowa City area. Trust Fund money helped rehabilitate the duplex.
As the only entity in Johnson County that seeks to address the whole continuum of housing needs (homeless and transitional housing, rental and home ownership) throughout the county, HTFJC is also uniquely situated to provide a forum for addressing regional housing issues. By providing balanced information and involving all stakeholders in the discussion, HTFJC hopes to build broad based consensus and support for solutions to the shortage of affordable housing in Johnson County.
Photos to the right depict the construction and completion of Shelter House Cross Park Place. This program serves those who have experienced chronic homelessness and it offers permanent supportive housing. The Housing Trust Fund was a key partner in this project and awarded more than $900,000 to support this important community resource aimed at ending homelessness.